Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Sweden (Day 2) !

I am so behind on my blogging!  I am sorry it has taken me this long to get to day two in Stockholm!  Thanks for being patient!  Here goes nothin'!

On our second day in Sweden we visited an open air musem called Skansen.  This was by far one of my favorite places we went to on our whole trip!  Unfortunately we didn't have as much time there as we would have liked, but we still had a good 2 hours or so!  Skansen is very cool, it is like stepping back in time!  It is the firs open air museum to open in Sweden and was founded in 1891! There are a ton of different areas, like an old town, viking era village, etc.  It is meant to show the way of life in different parts of Sweden before the industrial era.

They had many animals and shops, cafes and rides, and gardens.  I loved it!  There was a seal in the aquatic area that swam by us multiple times.  And a ton of reindeer!  They did have moose too, but unfortunately they weren't outside that day, so my dream of seeing a moose in real life lives on.  I did however, get to pet an adorable goat!  I made a clicking noise with my mouth for it to come over, and it came over right away!  I was amazed!  And I just stood there and rubbed his fur and talked to him for a bit.  He was such a sweetie!  I don't know, but I've always felt like I have a special thing with animals.  They come to me easily, and I wonder if it's because they can sense that I just love them.

The only bummer thing about this side of the world in winter is that the sun sets at about 4:30 pm.  Which means everything closes really early!  But before we had to leave Skansen I was able to take a bunch of photos and a few videos of the amazing views from on top of the hill!  Skansen is very high up compared to the rest of city, so the views are just unbelievable.  I could have sat there all day and just looked at the city.  It was truly magnificent.  One of those moments that make all of the hassle of traveling totally worth it.

Once we left Skansen, we decided to try to find a place to eat in Old Town.  We headed back there for a while and then eventually went back to our hostel.  That night we met a guy named Kristian from Denmark.  He was traveling to a lot of the same cities as we were and he was very attractive.  We chatted with him for a while and he asked us some interesting questions about America and it was just nice to talk to someone from another country who was traveling like us!  The funny thing is, a few hours before Caitlin had come into my room at the hostel, and asked where another girl in our group was.  I said I didn't know and then tried to nonchelantly nod my head toward Kristian who was in the bed next to me, because you know, he was really hot!  I guess she must have thought I was saying that the girl she was looking for was in that bed, so she climbed up to look and as she looked straight at him, he turned over and found her staring at him! It was so funny!

As much as I wish I would have had more time here, I am still thankful I got to see it at all!  There is so much left to discover, and maybe one day I will make it back!

Until Next Time!

1 comment:

  1. You got so see REINDEER?!?!? So cool!! Way cooler than a moose, if you ask me! And one more thing....you were sleeping in the SAME ROOM with a MAN STRANGER!! Okay, I'm freaked out! Be careful!!

    Love you!

