Sunday, January 4, 2015


Primary Level: My little ones did so well! They were absolutely adorable performing Peter Pan, and we had a lot of parents show up!  I was pleasantly surprised by how many parents came.  They all said their lines really well, and it was so fun watching their parents enjoy it!  I got a couple of gifts and had some parents thank me for what I did for their child.  One mother started to cry and said that her daughter always talked about us and would ask what certain words meant and really worked hard to learn new things.  It made my heart smile!  After the performance, I just played with the kids the rest of the time instead of teaching.  It was nice to spend the last day just hanging out with the kids rather than teaching them a formal lesson.  I got a lot of drawings from the kiddos, which was so cute.  Masha gave me hers, and then Alina decided to give me hers, and then a few others followed!  After we went to the park, we had lunch, and then I gave out some suckers and little cards to the kids.  I got lots of hugs, and then we left.  It wasn't as sad as I thought it would be, because the kids weren't overly heartbroken about it.  Which was nice.  I got a little sad when I left, but I was actually okay, and ready to get back home.  I of course already missed them the next day, but I think my desire to pack everything and get ready for the airport kind of over-powered everything else I was feeling.  But now, as I'm writing this, I really miss my little ones a lot.  I could use a Masha cuddle, and an Andrei smile.

Brett, Sveta, and Me

Level 2: A few days before the spectacle I found out that only 3 of my kids were going to be there. Which made the previous 2 weeks of learning "Happy" a total waste.  I was really bummed, because in all truth, you can't perform that song with 3 kids who barely know the words.  I already knew that the spectacle was going to be less than spectacular.  (See what I did there?)  So I decided to cut the sing short and add two Christmas songs.  I did thankfully have one more kid show up, so that was nice.  We sang "We Wish You a Merry Christmas," and "Jingle Bells."  To spice things up a bit I had them wear Santa hats and ring some little bells.  Although it wasn't the most incredible thing ever performed, I was still proud of them and the parents were happy.  Before we sang "Happy," each kid got up, introduced themselves and said what made them happy.  Ellya said her guinea pigs make her happy, Ceva said his Ipad makes him happy, Vlad said his Dad makes him happy, and Maxim said his Mom makes him happy.  It was cute to hear!  After the spectacle I got a bunch of gifts from the kids which was so sweet!  I tried to get a picture of all of us, but it was just so crazy, and the ones I did get were blurry.  But it was nice to have their parents take some pictures of us.  They really appreciated what I did for their kids and it was so sweet to hear their thank you's.  I am going to miss those kids so much and playing games with them!

Our last official class

Level 5: We had been working so hard on our spectacle and the kids learned their lines really well.  But the day of, I think we were all a bit frazzled.  I think we just had too many costumes, and it made it kind of slow and jumbled.  But the parents thought it was great and the kids did a great job and had fun together.  I loved watching them work so hard and really practice hard leading up to the performance.  I also tried to get a photo of us all together, but the person who took the photos didn't do a very good job, so they are all blurry.  But I'm glad I have at least something with most of us in it!  My level 5 kids really gave me a run for my money, but I really learned to love them all.  It was hard to say good bye!  I wanted to hug them all and say "You are smart kids, and you can learn English if you really keep at it!"  I had a parent come up to me and really thank me for what I did for his daughter and he said "You don't realize what you are doing."  It's true.  I woke up every day and taught these kids even when I didn't want to because I thought they weren't listening or didn't care.  But they do, and they learn things even when I think they don't.  It was just nice to hear that from a parent of one of my level 5 kids, because I thought that my level 5 class was the one I struggled with the most.

Me and Vadim

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