Friday, August 29, 2014


Today was all about finding the schools.  We walked around and took the metro for most of the day.  And let me tell you, the metro can be a long process!  I got to see one of the schools I will be teaching at.
It is A-dorable!  I am really excited to start teaching these kids.  Getting to see some of these kids (even though it was at a different school) made me have this over whelming feeling of love for these sweet children.  One of the schools we went to, the kids were getting ready to nap and they saw us come in and just started shouting "Allo!"  It was the cutest thing!  I didn't get any cool pictures today, but I'm sure I will again soon!

We went to another store today to buy some groceries.  I'm not sure what to call it.  It wasn't a grocery store, but more of a Walgreen's type of store.  It was pretty crazy trying to steer the cart and get around there!  There were lots of people and lots of food.  And let me tell you, I have not missed bread and baked goods this much since I became gluten free.  There are SO many yummy kinds of bread and baked stuff here!  It's all I can do not to cry!  Also, it has been WAY harder trying to find food for me to eat than I thought it would be.  Honestly, some of the phrases people told me to use don't make sense to them, and I have a hard time explaining that I can't have wheat.  I don't think they really understand wheat, but rather, flour.  I really should have brought more food from the US with me.  It's okay though.  I really do thing heavenly father is looking out for me.  Even though it hasn't been easy, I've still been able to find something to eat.  I really think this experience is going to help me grow closer to him.

I also really love the people in my group!  We all get along really well, and my head teacher is awesome!

Until next time!

XOXO -Keeley

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