Thursday, December 4, 2014

Old Town! (Estonia, Days 2 & 3)

On our second day we got up early and went to the main hostel building to have breakfast.  They had tomatoes, cheese, cucumbers, meat, etc.  Interesting breakfast choices, but at least some things I could eat!  After we finished breakfast, we walked up the street to Old Town.  It is a medieval town that was founded in 13th century!  Cobblestone streets, winding staircases, iron street lamps, and more!  It was so beautiful!  I loved the history of it.  We started walking around at about 8:30 not knowing that things don't open in Old Town until 10!  So we walked around by ourselves just looking at the sights!

We visited the castle/parliament building first.  The old castle had been incorporated into the parliament building, which made it a really interesting structure.  A pink imperial-style building with pieces of a stone castle attached!

Then, we visited the fortress/town wall that was built in 1373.  The view of the red rooftops from that area was stunning! It really reminded me of Prague.


Once things started opening up, we looked in souvenir shops and then went to an Irish pub to have lunch.  When we said we just wanted water the waitress was pretty confused!  My lunch was...interesting.  It was definitely not an Irish meal!

Old Town has some really cool medieval taverns!  The history nerd in me was going nuts!! They were lit with candles and decorated with medieval decor, and they served medieval meals!  Outside of one of the taverns was a cute little stand where a lady was making candies and spiced almonds.  I had to buy some, they were so good!  The people serving in the taverns and working in the historical stores were all dressed up in medieval garb.  Seriously, I can't even tell you how much I loved it.

In the middle of the town square, they were setting up for a Christmas market, with wooden booths, a huge Christmas tree, and a stage!  But unfortunately it wasn't ready before we had to leave!  I bet it looks really incredible right about now, though!

Oh, and another memorable thing that happened in Old Town was my fall of a lifetime.  I think it may have been my most exceptional tumble ever.  Have you ever tripped and not noticed you tripped until you realize you're looking at people upside down?!  Yep, that was my experience.  I tripped on the cobblestone (of course) and fell so hard on my knee that for about 2 minutes after I couldn't even cry.  All I could do was breathe, because I was trying to keep from vomiting.  I have seriously never felt that much pain at one time in one spot in my life!  Other than the time I had to get my wisdom tooth wound re-opened.  This was terrible, you guys.  Really, my knee killed for a long time afterward.  In fact, it still hurts right now.  I was really worried that I'd broken something.  But I think it's just a deep bone bruise.  Anyhow, it was an epic fall and my backpack flew over my head.  Also, no one helped me up....jerk faces.

The next day before we went to the bus station, we decided to meet up at one of the taverns again.  Victoria and I went in and ordered some drinks.  She got a cranberry juice and I got a root beer.  Now, for what ever reason, I was actually expecting a root beer.  But what I really got was kvass.  Which is the medieval version of root beer.  It is made completely out of barley and wheat! It's basically beer without the alcohol.  Any how, thankfully I only had one sip and it didn't make me sick (miracle)!  The lady working there was really nice and let me switch it out for some apple juice.

Our time in Old Town was wonderful, and we all had a really great time together!  I absolutely loved this place and had the best time!  I am so thankfully I had the opportunity to see it!

Oh, also a guy at the tavern gave me a replica coin of medieval Estonian currency!  It was so cool!

Until Next Time!

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