Monday, September 15, 2014


Church was interesting, as I expected!  Our ward meets in a building about 30 minutes away, and our ward is very small!  There are two sets of missionaries, one is an older couple, and they are all from Utah!  It is really nice to have people to communicate with easily!  There are also a couple of people besides the missionaries who speak Russian and a good amount of English that help us out during classes.  We have a woman in Relief Society that sits behind us and translates, which I have to admit was a tad awkward at first! But I am grateful for the help!  The church is still pretty new in Russia so our ward is different than what I'm used to back home.  But it's sweet so see people living the gospel and trying their hardest in a place where it's not very common.  One funny thing happened during Sacrament Meeting.  We have little walkie-talkie type  radios that have headphones so we can hear the missionaries translate for us, and mine all the sudden wigged out!  It started blaring  incredibly loudly with the awful sound!  It was so loud a couple of people two rows ahead of me turned around and started to giggle.  I think the missionary accidentally hit a button in his microphone because my friends heard him say "Whoops!" Haha!  Church was interesting, but I'm excited to learn some hymns in Russian!  We also saw this awesome church on our way, and I of course, had to take a picture of it.  Here's some photos from our Sunday!

-XOXO ~Keeley

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