Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Teaching continued...

Now that I've officially taught all of my classes at least once, I can talk about it in more detail! Then truth is, I love teaching, but sometimes it is really hard.  I adore my little primary aged kids, they are so sweet and loving.  The older kids, however, are harder to deal with!  My level 2 kids, which are about 7 years old, are pretty darn bratty (Russian children tend to be very spoiled because they are usually an only child).  I struggle with how to discipline them and get their attention.  They are very smart and I'm trying my best to teach them without having to get harsh.  But, sometimes they do things to be rude or mean to either me or each other and it gets crazy!  It is more difficult with the levels kids, because it is an after school program and most of them would rather be at home.  My level 5 class is a struggle sometimes, but not nearly as difficult as my level 2.  I really enjoy those teaching moments when they actually learn something!

(Level 2: Vlad, Ceva, and Lera)

In the mornings I teach at a private school with Pre-school aged kids and they are just the cutest!  They enjoy learning the language, but tend to get bored easily!  We usually teach them for an hour, then give them a break, and continue teaching for another 45 minutes or so.  After that, the kids have a snack and we go on a walk, usually to a park.  When we get back, we have lunch and then Brett (another teacher) and I head home.


Today there were a couple of new kids!  One is named Andrei and he is my little buddy.  All he wanted to do was play with me today at the park and show me around.  He is such a sweet heart!  He is little still, so he doesn't know much English yet, but desperately wants to communicate with Brett and I.  He likes to point and grunt to get us to understand.  His favorite thing to say is , "Oh no!"  But he says it so dramatically and it makes me laugh every time!  I think he and I are going to be real buddies.

(Sweet little Andrei <3)

I have one more day of teaching tomorrow and then I have Friday off!  This weekend we are going to the Summer Palace, so I will be taking lots of interesting pictures!

-XOXO  ~Keeley

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