Friday, October 24, 2014

My 23rd Birthday!

Yesterday was my golden birthday!  If you don't know what a golden birthday is, it is when you turn the age of your birth date.  I was born October 23rd, and I turned 23, hence the excitement. :) I knew it was going to be fairly laid back because I teach twice on Thursdays, but I was very content with my special day.  I may not have gone down town or done anything crazy exciting, I definitely got a lot of love.

First, I woke up to find a "Happy 23rd Birthday" sign from Kelsey and Kristin.  That made me smile.
Then, when I got to my primary school, Brett had the kids sing to me!  After which, Sveta gave me some flowers!  Flowers are a big thing here!  People get them at the airport after returning home, for a special occasion, and for just about everything else!  When it was time to get ready for the park, the kids sang their traditional Russian birthday song to me and it was so cute!  I just love them so much.  The song is really fun!  I want to learn it!  What happens is the kids all rotate in a circle singing to you, and then you say something and pick someone from the circle to dance with.  They come in the middle and dance!  Then they do it all over again!  It's very cute.

After that I came home and prepared for my Level 5 class.  When I got there one of my students, Alice, said, "Teacher Keeley, I have a surprise for you.  Close your eyes please..."  And she gave me some amazing A. Korkunov chocolates.  They were so yummy!  Then, another one of my students, Polina, came in and gave me a card she had made and some more yummy chocolate! And after class was over, they didn't leave until they sang to me.  I have some super sweet kids.

When I came home, a few girls pitched in to buy some ice cream and we all chatted in the kitchen and ate some ice cream!  We had pistachio, berry, and chocolate!  YUM!

Also, my Daddy called me, and I got a lot of nice birthday wishes from friends and family.  Thank you, All!

Next weekend is our big vacation to Sweden, Finland, and Norway! I am SO excited.

Until Next Time!

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