Thursday, October 2, 2014

Today's Adventures!

Today was an incredibly fun day, besides the fact that I had a head ache all day!  We took the kids to the near by Ecological Center rather than the park, and we saw some cool animals!  We started off looking at this adorable family of rabbits!  There were tiny baby bunnies too!  And I mean TINY, like newly of course I melted and took a bunch of pictures!  It was hard to get some good photos just because all of the animals were behind metal fences.  We also saw an owl, chickens, and two foxes!!  It was really cool!

Also, only 2 of my Level 5 kids came to class today!  I know that seems horrible of me to be kind of excited, but honestly, I felt like we got SO much done today, just me, Alice, and Sava.  I honestly feel like those two actually learned something today.  Most days I just feel like I am shouting English words over their screams and hoping that they take SOMETHING away from the class period.  But today, my kids learned how to spell "thoroughly" and how to say it.  I am way excited, you guys.  They are so smart, and I think the small class size can be beneficial on days like today.  We also played UNO for the last 15 minutes and had a really good discussion about random things.  It was nice to just be able to get to know two of my students a bit better!

Here are some pictures from today!

The rabbits!

The tiny babies!!

My girls <3


Walking with Katiya

Our shadows!

Blurry :/






This was right before I walked through a cob web

He gave me a pine cone (he's always bringing me things!)

Vova always looks like he's protecting the Holy Grail when he wears that hoodie! Haha

Until Next Time!
~XOXO -Keeley

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