Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Today's happenings!

Today we made acorn mosaics!  The kids LOVE acorns, because they are literally all over the ground  at the park we go to!  There was a new kid today with the younger group, and he wasn't really into doing a craft or listening really haha!  So he played with beans and they ended up all over the place!  So Andrei started to clean them up.  He was very serious about wanting to do it with the broom haha, he is a hilarious kiddo.  We played in the leaves again today and ran around to our secret "hiding spot."  It's just behind some bushes haha.  I can already feel the sadness of having to say goodbye to that little guy.  

Another girl who wasn't at the school for a few weeks came back a couple of days ago and she and I are developing a good little bond too!  Her name is Anaise, and she is just adorable.  I wish I had gotten a photo of her!  I'll try tomorrow.  But today at the park she was just hanging out with me and even gave me a massage!  I was going to fall asleep right on the park bench....  It was also pretty cold for most of the day today, and Anaise kept rubbing my hands and then sticking them back in my pockets!  And she adjusted my scarf and said "No cold."  She is a sweet thang!  She also has this cute little crush on Brett, the guy who teaches with me! Today she said, "Teacher Brett, I love you crazy."  Hahaha it was absolutely fantastic.

Another little girl named Jenny told me she loved me and my heart melted a little.

Also, I had to take some more pictures of the fall leaves and trees!  It is seriously a fall wonderland at this park!  There are so many leaves on the ground in some spots that you can't even see the ground!  

Andrei, proud of his acorn

Cleaning up the beans

Bean masacre

New little guy!  

"Hurry up, Teacher Keeley!"

A sea of leaves

Where's the ground?

From our hiding spot!

Radion found us!

Until next time!
~XOXO -Keeley

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